Name: Amara Darcy
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (in 2018)38 (in 2038)
Date of Birth: July 13, 2000
Bloodstatus: Half blood (Father Muggle born, Mother half blood)
Wand: Oak, Unicorn Hair, 11 inches
Born in: Sidney, Australia
Current Residence: London, England
Other:White Tiger animagus
Appearance: ((See Picture)) Amara has black hair with red streaks in it, She is rather tall with a height 6 ft, and is in very good Physical shape.
Attitude: Amara has a rather cold attitude, but has been known to smile on occasion when things go her way. Otherwise though she is rather un emotional. She is hard to impress, but if you manage that she will respect you for it, but not before. She loves sarcasm, and will use it at any opportunity. Other then that she has little to no sense of humor. She also has a wicked temper, that is sometimes hard for her to control. You do NOT want to get her on the war path…
History: Amara was born in to a young couple, her mother was only 17 when she was born and her father had been killed in a death eater raid while going to see mother after she had given birth.
So all her life she has heard how awful dark wizards and witches were. Eventually she started hating anything to do with the dark wizards and made up her mind she would dedicate her life to killing them.
She was sorted into Hufflepuff where she was always under the critical eye and slander of Slytherin house.
However she was denied enrolment to become a auror as she failed the stress tests and her temper took over.. She only made a bad situation worse with her temper.
Then she heard about the purgers, it sounded perfect to her, so she signed up.
Qualities: Determined, Fast thinker, Loyal, and Smart
Faults: Quick to anger, can be impulsive if angry, can hold long term grudges.
Favorite Color: Red
Boggart: The Dark Mark
Hobbies: Dueling, playing chess, Reading, skating, and Fencing
Marital Status: Single
Motto: “Nothing that is worth doing is ever easy”
Family Ancestry ((Fathers Side))
Great-Great-Grandfather: Quinn Darcy (1888 - 1975, Age: 93)
-Son of Albert and Jenna Darcy; Muggles
-Married Melissa Rivenstoke; Pureblood family - Squib
- Had one Son, James, one Daughter Caroline
- Journalist, for the London Paper
Great-Grandfather: James Darcy (Wizard) [1920 – 1990; Age: 70]
-Son of Quinn and Melissa Darcy
-Married Kathryn Venice Muggleborn)
-Had three Sons and one Daughter, Ryan, Jake, Devon and Kara
-Healer, St Mungo’s, For the Research department, Killed by poisonous gas in lab by accident.
Grandfather: Devon Darcy (Muggle) [1945 – Present]
-Son of James and Kathryn Darcy
-Married Madison Issic (Muggle)
- Had one Son, Simon
-Police Officer of the City of London
Father: Simon Darcy (wizard) [1980 – 2000 Age 20]
-Son of Devon and Madison Darcy
-Married Sarah Corwin (Half blood)
-Had one daughter, Amara
-Was training to be a Healer, Killed by Death Eaters