First Name: Amanda
Middle Name: Lovette
Last Name: Smith
Birthday: December, 6, 2002
Gender: Female
Year: 6th
House: Gryffindor
Birthplace: London, England
Residence: Smith's
Parents: Mark & Kim Smith
Siblings: Kikumi Smith (Married to Ricky Phelps
Parents Occupation: Prime Minister
Owl: Kaida
Meaning-Little Dragon (Specify species and name.)
Pet Picture:
Blood: Muggle-Born
Age: 16
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Nationality: British
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 100
Accent: British
Body Art: Both of her ears are pierced
Dressing Style: comfy
History: Amanda Lovette Smith was born on July 8, 1981 to Mark & Kim Smith. Her family died in a bombing in a parade. Her dad was the Prime Minister. She was two and was too young to participate. Kie’s brother, who is nine years older then her, did not participate. All that she has of her parents is a locket with a picture of the whole family. She’s had nightmares for years and wishes she knew what her parents were like. Amanda lives with her guardian who is her brother, his wife and their baby girl. Her brother’s name is Ken Smith. Kin is very protective over his little sister. Kie’s first bit of magic was the very day her parents died. She put up shield protect her, and her brother. The first bomb already gone off. She was just protecting them from shrapnel. Of course they thought it was just luck. She also hates rumors about her and her friends. Kie is a terrible speller.
Personality: Amanda is very outgoing and friendly. She is loving and kind. She loves animals and believes in animals’ rights. Amanda considers friends and family the most valuable thing in life. She can be very worrisome when it comes to exams. See, Amanda has three disorders. Obsessive compulsive disorder, which means she has to do things in a certain order. Disorder of written expression, Amanda has a hard time writing things. General anxiety disorder she stresses big time over little things. Amanda likes anyone she meets. Amanda doesn’t like anyone who thinks she lies about her disorders to get sympathy. She is also does not have much patience. Amanda loves to listen to all kinds of music. She is never intentionally rude.
Habits: pulls out eyelashes when stressed
Likes: Cute boys, Her Friends, Watermelon, Cherries,
Dislikes: Rude People, wet clothes
Favorite type of Magic: DADA
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite School Subject: DADA
Favorite Animal: Giant Panda
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Color: Black
Least Favorite School Subject:
Least Favorite Animal: Snakes
Least Favorite Food:
Wand Core: Unicorn Hair
Wand Wood: Maple
Wand Length: 8 ½
Wand Movement: Supple
Wand Strengths and Weaknesses: It’s strength are Charms and Weaknesses Transfiguration